Resolve: androidx.appcompat in ionic capacitor app issue

This issue occurs when some plugins of Cordova are installed in the ionic capacitor app.

And there are missing gradle dependency in the build.gradle of capacitor-cordova-android-plugins

So to fix this, this detail should always be put in the build.gradle immediatetly after every re-build and sync to and android

Once you have done:

ng build

ionic capacitor sync android


Then go to the build.gradle file of capacitor-cordova-android-plugins and add the dependency inside it every time


fix: add missing gradle dependency for androidx.appcompat

in the section of “ext” add this line.

ext {

androidxAppCompatVersion = project.hasProperty(androidxAppCompatVersion) ? rootProject.ext.androidxAppCompatVersion : 1.2.0



Then inĀ  the section of the “dependencies {” add the following line


dependencies {


implementation androidx.appcompat:appcompat:$androidxAppCompatVersion




The two lines above should always be done after every rebuild