How To Create Transparent signature From Scanned Image in Corel Draw

Using CorelDraw x7 Step 1. Ensure the scanned image is in bitmap or converted to bitmap 2. On the bitmap look for Mode and select Black and white (1bit) 3. in the dialog Conversion Method box, select Line art and adjust the threshold to your desire line art mode 4. Then selcet bitmap then Outline […]

Resolve: androidx.appcompat in ionic capacitor app issue

This issue occurs when some plugins of Cordova are installed in the ionic capacitor app. And there are missing gradle dependency in the build.gradle of capacitor-cordova-android-plugins So to fix this, this detail should always be put in the build.gradle immediatetly after every re-build and sync to and android Once you have done: ng build ionic […]

ionic capacitor working in browser and does not work in android

Here is how I resolved when the ionci capacitor is working in the browser and does not work in android. 9 times out of ten this is because you haven’t used https for the API feed. (Yes, I was using http as the API post URL) http is disabled on android since a while back, unless you […]

Ionicframework Capacitor that works with the version of gradle and JDK

Ionicframework Capacitor that works with the version of gradle and JDK Ionic: Ionic CLI : 6.18.1 Ionic Framework : @ionic/angular 5.8.5 @angular-devkit/build-angular : 13.0.4 @angular-devkit/schematics : 12.2.14 @angular/cli : 13.0.4 @ionic/angular-toolkit : 5.0.3 Capacitor: Capacitor CLI : 3.3.1 @capacitor/android : 3.3.4 @capacitor/core : 3.3.1 @capacitor/ios : not installed Utility: cordova-res (update available: 0.15.4) : 0.15.3 […]

Ionic Framework Capacitor 3.0 that works with Artic Fox (Android Studio)

Ionic Framework Capacitor 3.0 that works with Artic Fox (Android Studio) Update Gradle to 7.0.2 As at January 2022 This is the version and settings that work We now recommend using Gradle 7.0.2 with Capacitor projects. In Android Studio, open the File menu, then click Project Structure. In the Project section, change Gradle Version to 7.0.2 and Android Gradle Plugin Version to 4.2.0. Then, click OK. Inside […]

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